the third consecutive year the Civil Air Patrol’s Wicomico Composite Squadron/Maryland Wing Cadet Rocketry Team was
the only CAP finalist among the 100 teams to qualify for the Team America Rocketry Challenge competition held May 16 in The
Plains, VA. This program involved 7,000 students forming 653 teams from 43 states
and the District
of Columbia.
Team America Rocketry Challenge (TARC) is co-sponsored by the Aerospace Industries Association and the National Association
of Rocketry. TARC considers model rocketry as a safe and fun way to inspire students
to study math and science, and to pursue careers in aerospace. The
2009 event was the seventh annual competition and is the final step in the world’s largest model rocket contest.
Wicomico CAP Team included Cadets Brent Horner, Zachary Jones, Cody Meadows, Jessica Moore, Ryan Murray, Kurt Webster, and
Luke Whittington. They were lead by Senior Member 1st Lt Robert Bryant. Lt Bryant was previously recognized as the Aerospace Office of the Year for the Middle
East Region consisting of seven state including Maryland. All team members worked diligently to build their rocket to meet the competition’s
specifications. During the competition Lt Bryant was assisted by Wicomico Senior
Members 1st Lt Mollie Harrison and 2nd Lt Debbie Kelley.
The team’s rocket reached an altitude
of 629' and flew for 50 seconds resulting in a finish of 81st, an improvement over a 91st place in 2007
and 86th in 2008. The raw egg placed within the rocket returned to
the ground intact after the deployment of an on-board parachute.