Advanced invitations were accepted by
Cadet parents and interested community residents to attend a "Parent and Community Members Night" at the squadron's headquarters.
This provided an opportunity for the Wicomico Composite Squadron "family" to hear about the upcoming year's programs, to ask
questions and to become involved.
The Welcome and Introduction was conducted
by the Squadron Commander, Maj Ken Thom followed by a description of the cadet activities by the Deputy Commander for Cadets,
1st Lt Mollie Harrison and the Cadet Commander, C/2nd Lt Jacob Terlizzi. Using their presentation as a springboard,
Maj George R. Murray, Jr., reviewed the CAP Cadet Protection and Moral Leadership regulation and component, respectively.
1st Lt Dave Argentieri highlighted the financial status of the squadron.
A demonstration of the squadron's website,
as a point of general and specific information, was made by Maj Murray. All were encouraged to visit frequently and to explore the available links to the Maryland Wing, Middle East Region and National Headquarters.
1st Lt Bob Bryant described the squadron's
very successful Aerospace Education Program. The squadron's financial situation and how supporting non-CAP persons can
participate followed. Maj Al Bidwick highlighted the contents of the Wing Calendar, accessed through the squadron website,
with special note being made of the Wicomico entries. After an open discussion and questions, refreshments were served.